Monthly Archives: April 2014

8 scholarships for PhD Preparation (a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School Cologne)

Starting October 1st, 2014 the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne, the Graduate School of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Cologne offers 8 Scholarships for PhD Preparation each of € 950 and for a time period of six months.

The a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School, a winner of the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments, addresses graduates who have recently obtained their university degrees. The scholarship offers the opportunity of developing a PhD research project to be pursued at the University of Cologne and with particular focus on interdisciplinary questions.

The Graduate School orientates itself within a specialised concept of the Humanities, going beyond the dichotomy of the arts, cultural and natural sciences. We lay particular importance not only on cognitive and linguistic models of knowledge but also value hermeneutic and historically-contextual models. These concepts encompass the cognitive, cultural and theoretical principles of intellectual work and create the conditions necessary for the emergence and formation of knowledge. They also incorporate the perception and reception of transculturation processes and their factual anthropological-ethical terms.

Closing date is June 6th, 2014. Please send your application to the following address:

a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne
University of Cologne
Dr. Artemis Klidis-Honecker
Albertus Magnus Platz
D-50923 Köln | Germany

For further information on a.r.t.e.s. and the application procedure see

Call for Papers “Mapping Flows & Visualising Data in the Era of Digital Humanities” (St Andrews, 29 August 2014)

St Andrews’ Centre for Transnational History is supporting and hosting a PhD-led workshop on Digital Humanities, taking place on Friday 29 August 2014 in St Andrews.

“Mapping Flows & Digital Visualising Data” will continue the discussions initiated this year at St Andrews, but will also introduce the new Digital Humanities agenda of the University for 2014-2015. It will articulate academic presentations of DH projects and technical tutorials of how to acquires the necessary technological skills.

Applications are welcome until 19 May 2014 for Humanities projects that could or already do benefit from digital technology. We are also looking for people specialised in computer science, programming, mapping who would be willing to present some aspects of Digital Humanities through short workshops.

Click here to access the Call for Papers